tirsdag den 12. april 2011

Harry P. yo

So.... They arrived.

I'd been expecting them since the 9th and it's the 12th today. I was getting frustrated.

I got home late, after a LONG bike-ride in pouring rain, expecting to find my package lying on my bed, waiting for me. It wasn't. I'd had a nice day, so I decided that I wouldn't let it bring me down. Then my mum got home. She told me that she'd found a not in our mail-box. You know, one of those notes you get when the postmen have been at your flat, but then no one was at home, so they left a note.. No? Okay. Anyway, she told me that it had been lying there for a few days, she just hadn't checked the mail box properly. The first thing I did when she told me this, was to take my bike, cycle through the rain, down to our local post-office where my package would be waiting. I got down there, waited in line for a bit, finally got the package, cycled home again, opened the package to find all seven books lying there being pretty. I opened the book, ready to start my new obsession; Harry Potter.

mandag den 4. april 2011

Hi There!

Well.. I obviously have waaaay to much time on my hands.. Who am I kidding! There's no such thing as too much time on ones hands!

I guess I consider myself an average teenager. It seems that a lot of average "teens" these days like to write blogs, so I figured I'd try it out. I'll probably end up forgetting about it. Oh well.

Am I supposed to tell you about what I've been doing or what? Right, don't worry, I just need to get used to this.

Exiting things have been happening! This weekend I ordered The seven Harry Potter books AND "Looking for Alaska" YES! I'll be getting them on saturday if all goes as planned. I'll probably read Looking for Alaska first. Cannot wait! I'll have to though.

April will be such an exiting month for me and lots of other nerdfighters (including me). Basicly.. New Doctor Who season! New Chameleon Circuit album. Yes please! For me however, there's even more to come! I'll be recieving them books on the ninth, my dad's coming to visit, I'll even be doing some shopping! And then on the 1 of may, I'll be getting "confirmed", Basicly, it's a Scandinavian thing that lots of people do because of tradition, some however do it because they actually mean what they say. You're probably confused. Did I even write what it was about?.. No! Woops, sorry. Getting "confirmed" means that you "confirm" that you're a Christian. Now, I'm not actually religious, but this confirmation thing right?.. it's also kind of like a "celebrating-adulthood-thing" so that's why I'm doing it. Did I mention the fact that you get LOADS of presents?.. I'm such a bad person, I know. I'll probably be buying a macbook pro. YES!.. My family's definatly not "rich", I just have a massive family.

I feel like I've bored for long enough now.

Have a lovely day!

Silja N.